die Vokabeln
die Freizeit

Thema: Konjugation

Among the words to eventually be covered:

Verb Meaning
essen to eat
mögen to like
möchten would like

Clicking on a cell in the Reveal Answer column will, perhaps unsurprisingly, reveal the answer.
Trailing dots in the Reveal Answer column are not intended to have any meaning.
They are just there to make the shading roughly the same size so that word length would not be an unintentional hint.
Eventual To Do: Make the spoiler tags line up without the trailing dots.
You may think that I have enough time and interest such that I will make the answer reveals work as smoothly on your particular device as it does on a laptop or desktop.
You could not possibly be more wrong.
I like how the reveals work on an iPad but if you have an iPhone you may need to press quite hard.
Truly a first world problem.


This is only just enough regarding pronouns so that we can go over conjugations for verbs.

Pronoun Meaning Reveal Answer
ich I ........................
du you ....................
er/sie/es he / she / neuter .
wir we .....................
ihr you plural ..........
sie/Sie they / formal you


To eat.

Pronoun Conjugation Reveal Answer
ich esse ....
du isst .....
er/sie/es isst .....
wir essen ..
ihr esst .....
sie/Sie essen ..


To like.

Pronoun Conjugation Reveal Answer
ich mag .....
du magst ..
er/sie/es mag .....
wir mögen .
ihr mögt ....
sie/Sie mögen .

Additional conjugations to come ...

Here is an ö we can copy from when eventually needed:
