die Vokabeln
die Freizeit

die Vokabeln

My vision is to finish this page, then spin off 2 pages from it:
An English to German quiz and a German to English quiz.
With one page you would be given the English words and would be expected to come up with the German which would be hidden until clicked on.
With the other page you would be given the German words and would be expected to come up with the English which would be hidden until clicked on.
Ok, so with that out of the way, here is a point my fellow native English speakers:
Singular "die Vokabel" would be one word. To refer to a list of words of words in German you need the plural: "die Vokabeln".

Some Countries With Their Associated Language or Languages

Below is a list of countries that we have been introduced to.
Österreich means "Eastern Realm" in German and becomes "Austria" in English.
Most of these names will be fairly intuitive to a native English speaker.
Countries usually do not have articles assigned to them.
die Schweiz is a notable exception.
die Niederlande is another exception. I did not know that one until making this page.
Holland appears to be an acceptable German synonym for die Niederlande but if we are trying to be inclusive then let's include all the people in the Netherlands, even the ones who do not live in a province with "Holland" in its name.
A random Japanese citizen will likely recognize the name of his or her country written or spoken in English.
If merely spoken but not written in German, there is a greater chance that a native Japanese will not know what you are taking about.

English Name Name In German Language In German
Austria Österreich Deutsch
Brazil Brasilien Portugiesisch
China China Chinesisch
UK England Englisch
France Frankreich Französisch
Italy Italien Italienisch
Japan Japan Japanisch
Netherlands die Niederlande das Niederländisch
Russia Russische Föderation Russisch
Spain Spanien Spanisch
Sweden Schweden Schwedisch
Switzerland die Schweiz Deutsch | Französisch | Italienisch


Welche Sprachen sprichst du? Which languages can you speak? The plural feels very ambitious to us native English speakers.
Wer bist du?
Wie heißt du? You can summon a ß with [ALT]225.
Wo wohnst du?
Woher kommst du? The "woher" is the takeaway here. You may or may not have remembered to say "Woher" instead of just "wo".
Kannst du das buchstabieren?: Can you spell it?
Dash: apparently Minus is used for "dash" if an email address contains a dash.
Du oder Sie? Use du or Sie consistently when referring to a person unless there is an explicit reason to change.

Die Tageszeiten

am Morgen
am Vormittag
am Mittag
am Nachmittag
am Abend
in der Nacht

Marital Status

Mnemonic Device for divorce: geschieden sounds close to schneiden, to cut.

English Term German Term
single ledig
married verheiratet
divorced geschieden


Job Related Introductions Patterns

To do:
Add table with job titles.
[ { Herr|Frau } name ], was machen Sie beruflich?
Ich bin [ job ] von Beruf. Ich arbeite bei [ company name ] in Berlin.
Hallo! Ich bin [ name ]. Ich arbeite als [ job ].
Kurzportrait: Short profile. Maybe no common translation into English.

Der Arbeitsplatz ( place of work )

Objects Around The Office
The list below gives us several nouns to work with when we need vocabulary ready with which to build sentences.
The German word Kalender has one letter A. That is one I need to memorize.

English German Singular German Plural
Ballpoint pen der Kubelschreiber
Book das Buch
Calendar der Kalender
Computer der Computer
Forms das Formular
Glasses die Brille
Identification der Ausweis
Key der Schlüssel
Mobile Phone das Handy
Mouse die Maus
Pencil die Bleistift
Printer der Drucker
Stamp die Briefmarke